Lightning-fast viewing of very large ACES xml files (ACES 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0).
No need to “import” the VCdb/PCdb/Qdb databases. (They must be available on your drive or network, however.)
Applications normalized into fewer columns for easy viewing (or optionally view individual columns for each vehicle attribute).
Ability to hide columns that have no data.
Flicker-free scrolling of applications with live tracking from scroll bar.
Optionally allow word-wrapping in each cell to view entire contents. Row height is automatically adjusted.
Adjust column widths with mouse and automatically retain these settings between uses.
View underlying xml source data for any application.
View ACES version, headers and footer information.
Search for any desired text in selected (or all) columns.
Sort one or more columns in ascending or descending order and optionally freeze these columns so they won't scroll out of view.
Intelligent part number sort places P15 before P100, for example.
Option to save a sort definition for future use (one for each view type).
Filter on a column to show only applications with selected data. Add additional filters to further narrow the results.
Export applications currently displayed in the grid to a “csv” or tab-delimited
Optionally include an “App Fingerprint” (GUID) for each row on export for net-change or other use.
Optionally separate “ref” lists on export so you can match ACES output to your source data.
Optionally export seaparate applications for each year in a year range coded ACES file. NEW!
Report invalid tags or improper xml structure (checks for “well-formed” xml)
“Part Usage Report” shows consolidated Make/Model/Years for each part number.
“Pivot Report” shows applications with different brands and part categories on a single row with multiple part columns.
Great for distributors or anyone wanting to visualize catalog coverage in compact layouts (Prof. Ed.). NEW!